Days 138 – 142
This week it was painting, painting and more painting. There was still some undercoating to do on the second floor but the main floor was ready to take the top coat. The main colour went on in the great room first as the fireplace needed to go in. Our choice for the main colour in the house was ‘vanilla ice cream’ And no – it isn’t magnolia….. 🙂
The fireplace, which looks amazing, went in over 3 days. We chose a light coloured natural stone to help keep the room looking light and modern. We think that it has worked out really well. The fireplace team did a great job.
In between the coats of paint going on the walls, our builders also managed to lay the tiles in the bathroom upstairs.
In the gallery you will see a couple of pictures of the ice coming from the drainpipes. It warmed up slightly and so all of the snow melted and was running off the roof, but then the temperature dropped and we were left with ice…..